For same day flower delivery around the world
Direct2florist specialises in International flower delivery, with our own member florists in the following countries, you are sure of excellent service with lightning quick delivery times. Click the flag to search for a florist.
Looking for a way to send flowers overseas? Do you need to get a gift to your best friend in Spain…today? Direct2Florist can help with this and all your other international flower delivery needs. At Direct2Florist we specialize in all aspects of flower delivery- from having your flowers delivered internationally to sending flowers the same day- we can do it all. Just place your flower delivery order by 2pm local time and have your flowers hand delivered by our expert local florists to any of our 14 florist member countries the same day.
Direct2Florist is the place to go to send flowers from the US to Hong Kong or any of our other florist member countries. Through Direct2Florist you can now send your choice of flower bouquets, flower arrangements, gift baskets, and other gifts around the world. With 1500 member florists locally to accommodate your needs, we also offer over 3500 member florists worldwide for those wanting to send flowers internationally.
While sitting comfortably at home you can send flowers from the US to Switzerland or even the remote islands of Malta or Cyprus. Committed local florists in each area provide online pictures of bouquets and assortments available for next day, or even same day delivery when ordered by 2pm local time.
Professional knowledgeable local florists are waiting to deliver your choice of flower bouquets or gift baskets for any occasion. Whether you need to send fresh flowers from the US to Hong Kong to your grandparents to celebrate the Chung Yeung Festival or you are sending a St. Patrick’s Day gift basket to old friends in Ireland, Direct2Florist has an expert local florist for you. No matter which of our countries you need to send flowers to, we have a knowledgeable florist who offers the right bouquet for your occasion.
At Direct2Florist we are committed to ensuring you have the best service, from start to finish. That’s why we focus our attention on your overall experience, inviting you to participate in our 5 star rating service after you enjoy your international flower delivery through Direct2Florist. Even in countries whose native language is different than that of the US, for your convenience we feature English speaking florists in all of our countries.
Our international member florists cover most major towns and cities as well as delivering to other smaller rural cities. Sending flowers overseas with Direct2Florist is even faster than using any other logistical shipping/receiving, distribution, or postal company since we offer same day flower delivery with orders placed by 2pm. With us you can place your international flower order to another country overseas and receive a call from the grateful recipient within hours thanking you for such a beautiful bouquet.
You can feel confident knowing our Direct2Florist professional florist will handle your international flower order with the freshest flowers, an eye to detail, and a dedicated passion for excellence. Choose a flag from any of the countries below that you want to send flowers to and find the right florist for you.
Buy direct from local florists